El Botifarra

El Botifarra
El Botifarra
  • Discografia:

    Botifarra a banda . 2012

    La barraca . 2011

    Te'n cantaré més de mil . 2009

    Si em pose a cantar cançons . 2006

  • Xarxes Socials:

El Botifarra

Cantaor from Xàtiva, Pep Gimeno, with the nickname “Botifarra”, is one of the most shocking voices in the valencian and national folk scene. His part in the recovery of the songs that existed in oral transimission has made of him one of the most charismatic artists in the country. Pep and more musicians have shaped the popular songs until recovering almost forgotten pieces. With many projects going on, the shows of “El Botifarra” become the music of Valencia. Now he introduce us “L’Home Romancer”, which is a show and a CD where four current voices in the valencian folk scene get together: Pep Gimeno “Botifarra”, Naiet Cirerer, Xavier de Bétera and Hilari Alonso.

The thread, as its name shows, is “Els romanços de cec”, oral tradition that now they recover in a show where music, thater and humour get together in a new and unique show in the valencian folk scene. The tradition, mixed with the arrangements and instrumentation of Pere Ródenas, adding a folk band formed by great musicians such as Ródenas, Néstor Mont o Paco Lucas, will take us beyond the folklore and take us to the XXIst Century, always hand by hand with Botifarra, Naiet, Xavi and Hilari.

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